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Bao pu zi nei pian er shi juan, wai bian wu shi juan, fu bian yi juan Ge Hong 抱朴子 內篇二十卷 外篇五十卷 附篇一卷 (晉) 葛洪 [撰] by Series: 四部備要 ; 201
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Other title:
  • Baopuzi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1102/0015/201.

Bao pu zi nei pian er shi juan, wai pian wu shi juan Ge Hong 抱朴子 內篇二十卷 外篇五十卷 (晉) 葛洪 [撰] by Series: 四部叢刊初編縮本 ; 108
Edition: ju Ming Jia-jing si shi si nian Lu-fan ben ying yin據明嘉靖四十四年魯藩本景印
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Other title:
  • Baopuzi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1102/047a/31.
