Your search returned 2 results.

Luo yin shi xue shu lun zhu Wu Shichang 羅音室學術論著 吳世昌 [著] by Series: Wen shi za zhu | 文史雜著
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1994; 北京 中國文藝聯合出版公司 1994
Other title:
  • Luoyinshi xue shu lun zhu
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1140/0380.

Ren yue huang hun hou Cheng Shuzhen 人約黃昏後 程樹榛 [著] by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1983; 北京 中國文藝聯合出版公司 1983
Other title:
  • Renyue huanghun hou
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1146/0521.