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Liu qiu guo zhi lüe Zhou Huang 琉球國志略 (清) 周煌 [撰] by Series: 聚珍版叢書 ; 037
Edition: 據清乾隆敕刊聚珍版叢書本影印
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1102/0044/27/37.

Xian yang xian zhi Xi bei fang zhi zhi er 咸陽縣志 西北 方志 之 二 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1967; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1967
Other title:
  • Xianyang xian zhi : Xi bei fangzhi zhi er
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

Xin ning xian zhi Guang-dong fang zhi zhi qi 新寧縣志 廣東 方志 之 七 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe: 1893
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1968; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1968
Other title:
  • Xinning xian zhi : Guangdong fanzhi zhi qi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

Zhong shan xian zhi Guang-dong fang zhi zhi si 中山縣志初稿 廣東 方志 之 四 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1968; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1968
Other title:
  • Zhongshan xian zhi : Guangdong fangzhi zhi si
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

Qian jiang xian zhi Guang-xi fang zhi zhi shi 遷江縣志 廣西 方志 之 十 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1968; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1968
Other title:
  • Qianjiang xian zhi : Guangxi fangzhi zhi shi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

You chuan xu zhi 遊川須知
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 上海
Other title:
  • Youchuan xuzhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0052.

Dong bei gu dai min zu gu dai di li cong kao Jia Jingyan 東北古代民族古代地理叢考 賈敬顏 [遺著] by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1993; 北京 中國社會科學出版社 1993
Other title:
  • Dongbei gudai minzu gudai dili congkao
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0343.

Contigent Connections Fujian, the Empire, and the Early Modern World Wills, John E. Jr. by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
In: The Qing-Formation in World-Historical Time p. 167-203
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1).

China Shanghai und der Süden by Series: Merian
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: Hamburg Hoffmann und Campe Verlag 1996; 1996
Other title:
  • Merian
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 2170/0202.

Mo gan shan zhi 莫干山志 by Series: Zhong-guo ming shan sheng ji zhi cong kan | 中國名山勝蹟志叢刊
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1971; 臺北 文海出版社 1971
Other title:
  • Moganshan zhi
Availability: Not available: Institute of Sinology: Lost (1).

E tuo ke qi zhi 鄂托克旗志 by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1993; 呼和浩特 內夢古人民出版社 1993
Other title:
  • Etuokeqi zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0345.

Cha ha er tong zhi 察哈爾通志 by Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國邊疆叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1966; 臺北 文海出版社 1966
Other title:
  • Chaha'er tongzhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (3)Call number: 1171/0186-1, ...

Xi tian Mu zu shan zhi 西天目祖山志 by Series: Zhong-guo ming shan sheng ji zhi cong kan | 中國名山勝蹟志叢刊
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1971; 臺北 文海出版社 1971
Other title:
  • Xitian Muzushan zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0135/16.

Mo gan shan zhi 莫干山志 by Series: Zhong-guo ming shan sheng ji zhi cong kan | 中國名山勝蹟志叢刊
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1971; 臺北 文海出版社 1971
Other title:
  • Moganshan zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0135/19.

Long men xian zhi Guang-dong fang zhi zhi jiu 龍門縣志 廣東 方志 之 九 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1968; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1968
Other title:
  • Longmen xian zhi : Guangdong fanzhi zhi jiu
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

Liu zhou xian zhi Guang-xi fang zhi zhi yi 柳州縣志 廣西 方志 之 一 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1968; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1968
Other title:
  • Liuzhou xian zhi : Guangxi fangzhi zhi yi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

Bo bai xian zhi Guang-xi fang zhi zhi qi 博白縣志 廣西 方志 之 七 by Series: Xin xiu fang zhi cong kan | 新修方志叢刊
Edition: Photomechan. Ausgabe
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1968; 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1968
Other title:
  • Bobai xian zhi : Guangxi fangzhi zhi qi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0190.

Shandong Ein chinesischer Wirtschaftsraum und seine Entwicklung seit 1979 Joachim Hettler by Series: Berliner China-Studien
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: München Minerva-Publ. 1992; 1992
Dissertation note: Dissertation, Nürnberg
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 2171/0093.

San xia ku qu yi min huan jing rong liang yan jiu San xia gong cheng yu tai huan jing Xu Qi 三峽庫區移民環境容量研究 三峽工程 與 態環境 徐琪 [著] by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1993; 北京 科學出版社 1993
Other title:
  • Sanxia kuqu yimin huanjing rongliang yanjiu : Sanxiagongcheng yu taihuanjing
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0300.

The Standard Taoist Mountain and Related Features of Religious Geography Thomas Hahn by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
In: Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie Vol. 4 (1988); p. 145-156"
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1).
