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Hang zhou Xi hu you lan zhi nan Shi di bu xing 杭州西湖遊覽指南 實地 步行
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1929; 上海 上海中華書局 1929
Other title:
  • Hangzhou Xihu youlan zhinan : Shidi buxing
Availability: Items available for reference: Institute of Sinology: Not for loan (1)Call number: 1170/0016.

Xing'-an xian zhi 興安縣志 Series: 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1967; 臺北 成文出版社 1967
Other title:
  • Xingan xian zhi
  • Xing'-an xian zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0165.

Qin lu Shen Sixiao 秦錄 (明) 沈思孝 [撰] by Series: 學海類編 ; 267
Edition: 據清曹溶輯陶越增訂學海類編本影印
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1102/0044/24/267.

Yu xiang za ji Mao Jin 虞鄉雜記 (明) 毛晉 [撰] by Series: 借月山房彙鈔 ; 048
Edition: 據清嘉慶張海鵬輯刊借月山房彙鈔本影印,並補附毛氏初稿本虞鄉雜記於後
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1102/0044/48/48.

Wu sheng qie bi Xu Yuanpu 吳乘竊筆 (明) 許元溥 [撰] by Series: 指海 ; 033
Edition: 據清道光錢熙祚校刊指海本影印
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Other title:
  • Wu cheng qie-bi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1102/0044/54/33.

Yang cheng gu chao Qiu Juchuan 羊城古鈔 (清) 仇巨川 [纂] by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1992; 廣州 廣東人民出版社 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0412.

Wu xi ri yong you lan zhi nan 無錫日用遊覽指南
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1930; 1930
Other title:
  • Wuxi riyong youlan zhinan
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0093.

Wu xi ri yong you lan zhi nan mu lu 無錫日用游覽指南目錄
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1932; 上海 1932
Other title:
  • Wuxi riyong youlan zhinan mulu
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0069.

Yu lin zhou zhi 鬱林州志 Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1967; 臺北 成文出版社 1967
Other title:
  • Yulinzhou zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0172.

Lu shan zhi nan 盧山指南 by
Edition: Rev. ed.: 1st ed. 1921
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1933; 上海 商務印書館 1933
Other title:
  • Lushan zhinan
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0087.

Wu jun Xi shan fang gu ji 吳郡西山訪古記 by Series: Zhong-guo ming shan sheng ji zhi cong kan | 中國名山勝蹟志叢刊
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1971; 臺北 文海出版社 1971
Other title:
  • Wujun Xishan fang gu ji
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0135/9.

Ning bo fu zhi Cao Bingren 寧波府志 (清) 曹秉仁 [纂修] by Series: Si Ming fang zhi cong kan | 四明方志叢刊
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1957; 臺北 中華叢書委員會 1957
Other title:
  • Ningbo fuzhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (4)Call number: 1171/0139-1, ...

Choan shiseki no kenkyu Adachi Kiroku 長安史蹟の研究 足立喜六 [著] by Series: Toyobunkoronso | 東洋文庫論叢
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1933; 東京 東洋文庫刊 1933
Other title:
  • Changan shi ji de yanjiu
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (2)Call number: 1171/0149-1, ...

Xin hui xian zhi 新會縣志 Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1966; 臺北 成文出版社 1966
Other title:
  • Xinhui xian zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0154.

Xing ning xian zhi 興寧縣志 Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1966; 臺北 成文出版社 1966
Other title:
  • Xingning xian zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0158.

Zhen an fu zhi 鎮安府志 Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1966; 臺北 成文出版社 1966
Other title:
  • Zhenan fu zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0163.

Guang nan fu zhi 廣南府志 Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1967; 臺北 成文出版社 1967
Other title:
  • Guangnan fu zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0176.

Guang zhou bai nian da shi ji 廣州百年大事記 by Series: Guang-zhou wen shi zi liao zhuan ji | 廣州文史資料專輯
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1984; 廣州 廣東人民出版社 1984
Other title:
  • Guangzhou bainian dashi ji
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (2)Call number: 1171/0251-1, ...

Bai se ting zhi 百色廳志 Series: Zhong-guo fang zhi cong shu | 中國方志叢書
Edition: Reprint
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: 1967; 臺北 成文出版社 1967
Other title:
  • Baise ting zhi
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 1171/0174.

Chinas Tibet Fakten und Zahlen Wang Guozhen by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Publication details: Beijing Neuer Stern-Verlag 2001; 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: Institute of Sinology (1)Call number: 2560/0011.
