Illustrated Poems of Mao Zedong | 精选毛泽东诗词与诗意画
Mao, Zedong 毛泽东
Illustrated Poems of Mao Zedong 精选毛泽东诗词与诗意画 Jing xuan Mao Ze dong shi ci yu shi yi hua Xu Yuanchong yi shi 许渊冲译诗 - 北京 五洲传播 2006 - [5], 147 p.
Literature -- Modern Poetry -- Mao Zedong -- Communist Era
Illustrated Poems of Mao Zedong 精选毛泽东诗词与诗意画 Jing xuan Mao Ze dong shi ci yu shi yi hua Xu Yuanchong yi shi 许渊冲译诗 - 北京 五洲传播 2006 - [5], 147 p.
Literature -- Modern Poetry -- Mao Zedong -- Communist Era