The Age of Eternal Brilliance Three Lyric Poets of the Yung-ming Era (483-493). Volume One: Shen Yüeh (441-513). Volume Two: Hsieh T'iao (464-499) & Wang Jung (467-493)

Mather, Richard B.

The Age of Eternal Brilliance Three Lyric Poets of the Yung-ming Era (483-493). Volume One: Shen Yüeh (441-513). Volume Two: Hsieh T'iao (464-499) & Wang Jung (467-493) Shen Yue, Xie Tiao, Wang Rong Mather, Richard B. - Leiden Brill 2003 2003 - 2 vols.; vol. 1-2 - Sinica Leidensia .


Literature -- Poetry -- Shen Yüeh
Literature -- Poetry -- Hsieh T'iao
Literature -- Poetry -- Wang Jung