Kugyôk misu kiôn | 국역미수기언
Hô, Mok 허목
Kugyôk misu kiôn 국역미수기언 Hô, Mok 허목 - 2nd ed.: 1st ed. 1981 - Sôul 1997 솔출판사 1997 - 173 p.; vol. 6 - Kojôn kugyôk ch'ongsô ?????? .
This booklet is an index for the volumes 1 to 5.
Aufgenommenes Congshu
Philosophy -- Neoconfucianism -- The South Fraction -- Naminp'a -- Middle Chosôn
Literature -- Hanmun -- Hanmun Essays -- Translations Into Han'gûl
Literature -- Complete Works -- Misu -- Hô, Mok -- Middle Chosôn
Kugyôk misu kiôn 국역미수기언 Hô, Mok 허목 - 2nd ed.: 1st ed. 1981 - Sôul 1997 솔출판사 1997 - 173 p.; vol. 6 - Kojôn kugyôk ch'ongsô ?????? .
This booklet is an index for the volumes 1 to 5.
Aufgenommenes Congshu
Philosophy -- Neoconfucianism -- The South Fraction -- Naminp'a -- Middle Chosôn
Literature -- Hanmun -- Hanmun Essays -- Translations Into Han'gûl
Literature -- Complete Works -- Misu -- Hô, Mok -- Middle Chosôn