China before China Johan Gunnar Andersson, Ding Wenjiang, and the Discovery of China's Prehistory
Fiskesjö, Magnus
China before China Johan Gunnar Andersson, Ding Wenjiang, and the Discovery of China's Prehistory Fiskesj?, Magnus - Stockholm Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 2004 2004 - 159 p.
Bilingual Edition in English and Chinese
Art -- Catalogue -- Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
History -- Archeology -- Prehistory
History -- Biography -- Ding Wenjiang -- Andersson Johan Gunnar
China before China Johan Gunnar Andersson, Ding Wenjiang, and the Discovery of China's Prehistory Fiskesj?, Magnus - Stockholm Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 2004 2004 - 159 p.
Bilingual Edition in English and Chinese
Art -- Catalogue -- Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
History -- Archeology -- Prehistory
History -- Biography -- Ding Wenjiang -- Andersson Johan Gunnar