Qiao cun yi zhi diao cha yu yan jiu (2018-2019) 桥村遗址调查与研究 (2018~2019) Archaeological Report for 2018-2019 field survey and research of Qiaocun Site, Gansu, China Beijing Daxue Zhongguo kaoguxue yanjiu zhongxin, Gansusheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo bianzhu, Zhang Hai, Zhou Jing zhubian 北京大学中国考古学研究中心,甘肃省文物考古研究所 编著,张海,周静 主编 - 第1版 - 北京 文物出版社 2021 - [v] 121 p.

Photographs, illustrations, maps, charts


History -- Archaeology -- Field Survey -- Archaeological Report